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活动时间:2012-11-02 09:00:00


  至佛 洛伊德的得意弟子赖希创造躯体心理治疗以来,躯体治疗疗法以其神奇的治愈效果和可操作性强的特点,吸引了全球心理咨询和心理治疗师的注意。最轰动一时的 莫如躯体心理治疗的现场演示李维榕这样评价躯体治疗观摩。躯体治疗在寻找人的身心问题上有神奇的效果把身体当做来读,也就是大家说的读身术通过你的身体结构就能清晰的知道你的成长经历,早年跟父母的关系以及现在你的心理和性格特征。在治疗身心问题上有最原始最神奇的效果,一个动作就可以释放你长 期压抑的负性情绪,指导一种有效的呼吸方式,就可以解除你现在的压抑,通过一个身体的动作,就可以处理你跟某个重要他人的矛盾和关系。躯体治疗是真正的将身体和心灵结合起来,通过身体来治 愈心灵问题的,最完美的身心疗法。



你想通过 这种神奇的读身之术帮助到你的来访者吗?

来自意大利的国际躯体心理治疗大师Pro.Mauro Mancini(马龙)将为您带来耳目一新、精彩绝伦的培训课程。



     Dr. Mauro Mancini(马龙)

  Psychoanalyst, Group analyst;精神分析师,团体治疗分析师

  Ph.D. in Psychology at Main University, Roma, Italy

   Ph.D. in Philosophy and Art at Main University, RomaItaly;

  意大 利罗马马尼大学心理学、哲学与艺术博士

   Member of AIPA (Associazione Italiana di psicologia Analitica),

  Italian branch of IAAP (International Association of Analytical Psychology )Zurich, Switzerland);瑞士苏黎世国际分析心理学协会(IAAP)意大利分会(AIPA)成员

   Member of SIAB (Societa Italiana di Analisibioenergetica)

  Italian branch of IIBA (Inernational Institute for Bioenergetical Analysis, New York, USA);

  美国国际生物能分析疗法学会 (IIBA)意大利社会生物能分析组(SIAB)成员

   Specialization in Psychiatric Counseling and

   Psychosomatic Psychiatry, at Sacro Cuore University ,Roma, Italy

   Specialization in Psycho-oncology, at Sacro Cuore University, Roma, Italy;

  意大利罗马新科考勒大学心理咨询与心身疾病精神病学以及精神性肿 瘤学特邀学者

   Psychological Counselor of "A.Gemelli" Hospital, Roma;


  Mauro教授主持编辑过意大利版本的英文书籍,如《荣格和过去的易经学》、萨穆尔的《父亲》、D. Rosenfeld的《精神分析和团体治疗》等著作。并且在意大利知名杂志(Rivista di Psicologia Analitica)和报刊(Il Manifesto)多次发表过关于分析心理学、精神分析、艺术和电影心理学领域的文章。作为一位视觉人类学家,他曾几次在画廊和大使馆成 功举办过摄影作品展,并于2005年出版《被否定的意大利人》和《沉默的结构》。

   Mauro教授在神话学、民俗学、宗教等领域都有深刻的见地,睿智、渊博、坚毅是他的风格和特点。他本人非常喜爱中国文化,多次来中国讲学和旅行,在北京已开办了六 次课程。

  培训对象: 经历心灵成长、走在自我心灵探索道路上的同道们;心理咨询师、心理治疗师、神经及精神科医师 ;


   培训内容:躯体心理治疗理论 和技术、识别身体、掌握疗法、个体督导、团体督导。


培训费用:课程3880/ (其他费用自理)



  报名方式:电话: 010-68638697        151 0111 0806                            





此次培训的宗旨与 Mauro教授简介

  This seminar wants to be the first of a series that allow to have a wide view on the achievements of a modern and scientific psychotherapy. It has as its target psychotherapists, psychiatrists and counselors, but also doctors, teachers, social workers and cultured people as well.

  这次的工作坊是一系列关于现代科学心理治疗的第一期。它是针对心理治疗师,精神科医生,咨 询师开设的,也欢迎医生,老师,社会工作者等学者参加。

  It is based on a psychoanalytic approach, but it is open also to other methods that developped from the classical Freudian or Jungian theories. So, it deals with the individual therapy (following the thought of Freud, Jung and Klein), but also with the group therapy (Bion, Foulkes) and the body therapy (Reich, Lowen).

  工作坊是基于精神分析疗法进行得,但也会涉及其它由弗洛伊德流派、荣格流派等经典精神分析流派发展出来的理论。所以工作坊既会涉及个体咨询(会讲到弗洛伊德、荣格、克莱恩的思想),也会涉及团体咨询(会讲到拜昂、福尔克斯 ),还 会涉及躯体疗法(会讲到赖希,罗文)

   The modern society is rapidly changing, and this brings about the need for a therapeutical approach that could be more fitting with the special difficult ies of modern life. This is true also in the West, but is even truest in a country like China, where the changing is even faster and, on the other hand, there is a so ancient tradition in therapies based on the unity of mind and body.

  现代 社会的迅速变化要求心理治疗能针对现代生活所产生的特定困难而进行。在西方是这样,在中国更是这样。一方面,中国正在进行前所未有的巨变,另一方面中国又有古老的基于身心一体治疗的传统。

  So, the seminars shall take account of an analysis of mental and bodily symptoms, of dreams (the most important way to interpret the Unconscious, according to Freud), of individual and group dynamics, of the relations between the structure of the personality and that ;of the body.

  综上所述,这一系列的工作坊会涉及以下的内容:对心理和身体症状 的分析,梦(对于弗洛伊德来说,梦是了解潜意识的最重要的途径),个体和团体的动力机制,以及人格特征和躯体构造的联系。

  The goal of the seminars is not only to provide a thorough examination of theories, but also, and more, to support them with the practice. So, real individual and group sessions shall take place, and also dream sessions and sessions of bodily practice, with exe rcises useful both for reaching a deep relaxation, for having a better knowledge of one's character, fears and needs and for finding the best way to give them the right satisfaction.

  这一系列工作坊的目标不仅仅是对上述理论作全面得介绍,更重要的 是把这些理论和实践、实操结合起来。所以,工作坊里会有真正的个体咨询和团体咨询,还会有释梦的环节以及针对躯体的练习。这些躯体联系能让人达到深层的放松,还能让人更好的了解自己的性格 、恐惧、需求,从而用最好的方式让人们恰当得满足。

  Psychoanalyst, group therapist and body therapist, Mauro Mancini is a Ph. D. in psychology and a Ph. D. in History of Art and Philosophy (both at the University of Rome, Italy). He is member of AIPA (Italian Association for Analytical psychology). His first personal analysis and training was according the ideas and methods of the Jungian school. But later he felt the need to widen the range of his approach, realizing that a single approach can't neither adequately cope with all the needs of people nor provide a complete view on the infinite&nbs p;facets of human nature. Moreover, the needs of a modern industrial society make people lose a real contact with themselves and the deepest emotions, that lie under the threshold of the mind, inside the body. On the other hand, human problems are not only psychological but pertain also to the cultural level. So, M.M. decided to go through other professional t rainings (individual and groupal) following the theories of Freud, Klein, Reich and added to that the experience of other cultures (he made ethnological researches in India, Nepal, Japan, Vietnam, Kenia, Uganda). &nbs p;

  马龙 教授是精神分析师,团体治疗分析师和躯体治疗师,他获得了罗马大学大学哲学与艺术博士(国内叫罗马大学或罗马一大,是意大利及欧洲最古老的三所大学之一),他是瑞士苏黎世国际分析心理学协会(IAAP)意大利分会(AIPA)成员。他最初接受的是荣格流派的分析与训练, 但随后他意识到单一的方法既不能满足人们的所有需求又不能全面洞察人性的无穷层面,他觉得又必要拓展所使用的方法。而且现代工业社会的需求使人们失去了与自己、与深层情绪的联系,这些情绪 藏在心灵深处,藏在躯体里。从另一方面来讲,人类的问题不仅仅是心理层面的问题,也属于文化层面,所以马龙教授决定接受其他流派比如弗洛伊德、克莱恩、赖希等流派的训练(既包括个体的也包括团体的的),同时他还去体验不同的文化、(他在印度,尼泊尔,日本,越南,肯尼亚和乌干达都做过文 化人类学的研究)

  He has published essays and articles in magazines and newspapers in Italy, had interviews on the Italian main broadcasting company, has cooperated with universities and hospitals in his country and abroad, taking seminars and teaching. In China he has already taken seminars in the universities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou etc.

  He&nbs p;is also concerned by the world of image, as a field that is the basis for that of the language, that is so important in the psychoanalytic approach. So, an important part of his activity is in photography. He has taken exhibitions and published books of pictures about Italy and Japan.

   His main interests are the dreams (in his career he has ;interpreted and studied no less than 40.000 dreams) and the relationship between mind and body.

  马龙教授在多家意大利杂志、报纸上发表过论文、文章,他曾接受过意大利主流电视台的采访, 并和意大利以及其他国家的大学、医院合作版讲座、培训。在中国,他在北京,上海和广州的大学都办过研讨会。马龙教授专注于意象的研究,因为对于精神分析疗法来说,意象十分重要,是精神分析 领域的基本语言。所以,马龙教授生活的一个重要活动是摄影。他举办过摄影展,出版过关于意大利和日本的摄影集。







发布时间:2011-09-18 08:32:58

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